Astrid Grove, RM, CPM

Astrid is a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), a Registered Midwife (RM), and a member of MANA (Midwives Alliance of North America). She retains current certifications in CPR (cardio pulmunary resuscitation) and NRP (neonatal resuscitation).

She has a history of teaching herbal medicine at midwifery schools, including Aviva Institute (which has closed) and Indie Birth Midwifery School. She enjoys traveling when off call to teach and offer wellness services at various gatherings and festivals.

-Astrid with her two daughters in a field of flowering St. Johnswort-

Astrid Grove is a community midwife, Maya abdominal therapist and herbalist.  She has over 20 years of experience serving her community.  She finds great joy in supporting women and families to find optimal health as well as to access their own deep intuitive knowing. She loves witnessing people become parents and babies being welcomed onto the earth through a gentle birth.

Astrid received her BA in Eastern Medicine and Philosophy from UMass at Amherst in 2000. She has trained extensively with leaders in the herbal community; including Susun Weed, Pam Montgomery and Ellen Evert Hopman. She graduated from Birthwise Midwifery School in 2006 and received her certification in the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy through the Arvigo Institute of Maya Abdominal Therapy in 2007.

As an herbalist and Maya abdominal therapist, she works with families trying to conceive, and really in any stage of their life cycle.  Digestive and uterine wellness are at the center of health!  She also enjoys preparing placentas into medicine for mothers regardless of whether they birth at home, at a birth center or in the hospital.  In addition, she organizes and produces a local annual women's herbal gathering- Red Earth Herbal Gathering.

Astrid is a wife, a mother of two young daughters (both born at home with midwives), an avid medicine maker, a gardener and a keeper of chickens.  

Listen to a podcast episode with Astrid Grove on the Journey to Midwifery podcast here.

Listen to interview with Astrid Grove on Wise Women Radio with Susun Weed here.

See an article highlighting Astrid Grove in the Steamboat Pilot here.

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